自分を癒す必要性Need to heal yourself





ご依頼はこちらへ依頼について About the request、レイキをご希望の旨をお書きください。

When we want to heal someone, we think that we must first be healed. You don’t want to be healed by someone who isn’t healed and has a lot of negative energy. There is a certain responsibility to give Reiki to a third party. We will professionally purify our energy every day and strive to provide our clients with the highest level of hospitality.

Our healing salon does not put up a sign. I don’t advertise. We will treat those who have a relationship and found us. I started writing blogs in this way, about 15 years after we started working, as the first step to move to a new stage.

Reiki Healing prepares chakras and auras without touching the client directly. At the first time, it is often “take / reduce bad things” rather than “improve”. Most of the clients have various things in their 3D life. What’s more, when it comes to finding us and visiting us, I think we have a lot of trouble.
When you start playing Reiki, the stagnant gastrointestinal movements become active, and many people can hear the sound of their stomachs.

That is one guideline, and the conversation is “” Ki “has begun to flow.” This is a nice phenomenon. There are some clients who feel comfortable and fall asleep by shedding ki. Some say “I have a clean head” and some say “I could see the aura with my eyes closed.”

By receiving Reiki healing, the flow of “Ki” will improve, the Ki will last longer, the Ki will clear up, and your luck will improve.
Click here for your request About the request >, Please write that you would like Reiki.

投稿者: dionysus
