
こういった場合、すぐに除霊は出来ない。というよりはしないのである。相手もそう簡単に肉体を手放したく無いのだから、悪い霊に気付かれないように徐々に除霊してく方法を我々はとっている。「霊」と日本の皆様にわかりやすい表現を使っているが、[existing negative energy creator ネガティブなエネルギーを運ぶ生き物]と我々は呼んでいる。霊[existing negative energy creator]も賢いので、除霊となるとこちらの身も危ない。そのため、事は慎重に行わねばならない。
そのクライアントは数ヶ月かけて複数の方法を用いて除霊した。除霊の方法はクライアントや状況に応じて変えるようにしている。我々も何かしますが、クライアントに出来ることは、出来るだけオーガニックな食事に変えたり、職場でのストレスを軽減させるよう努力したり、ネガティブな発想そのものを打ち消していくようにしたり、自然の中でゆっくりと過ごすようにしたり・・・を同時に行ってもらうようにお願いしている。いくつかの方法はこちらオーガニックな食事の必要性 The need for an organic dietにも掲載しています。In mild cases, there is no awareness. People around me notice. Because we can see strange remarks. When I check with him, he often doesn’t remember.
A former client said to me, “I feel obsessed with something.” Then, when I concentrated my consciousness, I felt an unusual atmosphere. The appearance of the eyes is also hollow. Because you know your usual personality, you can understand that you can get something different from usual. When I explained that, he said, “Did I say that?” I was really surprised to explain what happened in just a few minutes. He says he never remembers saying, “I feel like I’m obsessed with something.” Even so, the client seemed weird because I was explaining the appearance of his eyes. As soon as the situation was swallowed, the client was chilled and frightened.
In such cases, the spirit cannot be removed immediately. Rather, it doesn’t. Since the other person does not want to let go of the body so easily, we take a method of gradually removing the spirits so that the bad spirits will not be noticed. We use the word “spirit”, which is easy for Japanese people to understand, but we call it [existing negative energy creator]. The spirit [existing negative energy creator] is also wise, so when it comes to exorcism, this is also dangerous. Therefore, things must be done carefully.
The client took several months to exorcise using multiple methods. Change to an organic diet as much as possible, try to reduce stress in the workplace, try to counteract the negative ideas themselves, spend time in nature … several ways Is also posted here.