オーラをみる Diagnose the aura


I could see the aura from an early age. She thought everyone could see. One of the reasons for this is that her brother also saw an aura. She talked about the aura in many ways. However, as she went on to middle school and high school, her studies became so busy that she completely forgot to see the aura. However, when she was in danger, it suddenly appeared and signaled her danger. In other words, when a pervert approached, she felt a strange aura from that person, and she was able to detect the danger herself. But is it strange? When I’m afraid, the pervert begins to commit criminal activity. I have felt the danger of my life several times, but each time I am helped by a higher-dimensional being pulling me in and letting passers-by appear. The aura of the person trying to commit a crime is strange. Her color is gray to black. From our experience, such an aura does not occur when normally healthy. When we see a black or gray aura in our daily lives, we are ready. This is because we think about what can happen next and what action to take.