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(2022/3/6 23:21時点)



#悪魔 #詐欺 スピリチュアル #事故 #ネガティブなエネルギーを運ぶ生き物

Creatures that carry negative energy may ask the devil when their opponent is strong and uncontrollable. This time I will write about it.

Acting as a spiritual healer can be seen as an enemy by creatures that carry negative energy.

If they do not eliminate their enemies, they will have no place to absorb their energy. Therefore, the other party also pokes a gap with that other hand.

It is a level where life is targeted. I can see it clearly. It’s going up slowly, but at the end of the year, I’m about to be scammed, head-on collision with a car running backwards in the tunnel on the same day, and often I’m really dead …

This time, an elderly man intruded into the opposite lane without noticing it in a light car. Although I was apologized, the tremor did not stop. But, amazingly, a few minutes later, I met the police patrol in front of him, so I reported the details. Since there is a possibility of drunk driving, all vehicles on patrol were reported and encouraged to crack down.